Monday, November 8, 2010


All of the volunteers and staff came together to celebrate our accomplishments as the newest PCV's (Peace Corps Volunteer). The restaurant was 20 steps from the ocean. Can you say beautiful? The food was great and the people were very nice. Shipwreck is a bar and grill that many people come to visit. You can sit underneath a small cabana and grab a book or magazine provided by the restaurant. It was a very laid back atmosphere, which I can appreciate. I also saw a monkey and my first mongoose in the same territory. Ive been pretty busy lately because I am volunteering for the World AIDS campaign here. The campaign was kicked off this month to inform people about their choices during the holiday seasons.In a few weeks a AIDS march will take place and be a visible response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the Federation. I'm excited for the things that will come. I'm learning how to be patient and allows things to happen as they should. I feel as individuals we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to do everything perfect. What is perfect? I'm learning that every path that we take on this journey called life is meant to teach us something and meet people who will give us the best lessons of our lives. Oh yeah and its mosquito season, OFF has become my new perfume of choice :D Experience the opportunities presented to you and if you dont see them as yet, go out and find them.- brykimso

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